Probate Process: Accounting and Distribution of Testator’s Estate
It is important to understand how last will and testaments are processed before the distribution of said testaments. What happens is that after a person dies, their executor, commonly called the last will or Testament, is requested to complete the distribution of the deceased’s properties, explained a famous probate attorney. At this point, there will usually be two different types of assets that must be distributed: debts and capital gains. Capital gains are what can be gained through the sale of assets. Debts, however, are not distributed unless the executor can certify that some aspect of the deceased’s estate is exempt from probate. In many cases, it is this process that can result in testaments being challenged.
How last will and testaments are approved, therefore, can differ greatly depending on each particular jurisdiction. In many states, for example, a probate court will usually have the authority to order the administration of the estate as well as distribution of the assets. These courts will also determine if the testator’s will is properly drafted and if the beneficiaries would be better served by a trust. If testaments are contested, the courts will often use the probate process to determine the validity of the document. While a probate court is very likely to deny a last will and testament, a state court is more likely to allow a will into effect if it is drafted properly and the beneficiaries are properly identified. For this reason, attorneys are often retained by the estate to ensure that will and testaments are submitted in good faith.
Because probate and the distribution of assets can be costly, attorneys are often asked to draft wills and testaments so that they will pass the legal requirements and get the desired results. How last will and testaments are accepted can also depend on each individual situation. In some cases, the state probate court may order administration of the estate and then require that the testaments be signed at the same time. This is often referred to as “principal distribution,” and allows all beneficiaries to receive the property before the probate hearing begins.
Will and testament administration is usually administered by the state court, and the attorney involved with the estate plan will likely be one who has already handled probate matters. For this reason, you should take a look at any experience that the attorney has had handling state probate law. Additionally, you may want to ask what measures the will-approved testament-administration plans have taken to safeguard your interests. Many states require that the testator sign a document acknowledging that he or she has read and understood the contents of the document, and that they are aware of their signing authority. Some also have other requirements that must be met.
While you may not be concerned about how last will and testaments are accepted at the time of your estate plan, it can be an issue later on in the probate process. If probate is going to come up at some point, you may be grateful for the time that you have to comply with a will before it gets to that point. Even if you never need to use the assets of the deceased to pay off claims (there are rarely such cases), you never know when you might have to, and having a will prepared and signed when you are alive can make the process smoother for everyone involved, said
The most common question about how last will and testaments are accepted involves the process after the testator dies. If no Will exists, or if the testator does not leave a Will in his or her will, how can anyone claim his or her estate? The short answer is, when someone dies, their property will automatically pass to their heirs. This happens regardless of whether there is a Will or not, and even if there is no Will. In this case, the probate process simply uses the title of the property as proof of the owner of the property at the time of death. This process applies to all types of intestate estate planning, not just wills and testaments.